Mutations and Traits
In the ancient books, vampiric scholars had categorised the various manifestations of mutation that could occur in the vampiric pathogen when infecting a host. Each category of mutation resulted in specific observable characteristics. These characteristics are described in the ancient texts as follows:
“Those possessing The Coercion have an almost irresistible charisma. With mere words they can sway a room or lead a lover to betray. Narcissistic seducers of all, beware their charm.”
Vampires with strong mutations for The Coercion are known as Seducers.
“Those possessing The Iron Fist require dominance. Born leaders, they make necessary decisions when others refuse. Once the orders of a psychopath are obeyed, more orders will follow.”
Vampires with strong mutations for The Iron Fist are known as Bureaucrats.
“Those possessing The Dark Within find solace in shadows. Denizens of the midnight black, stealth and intrigue are their tools of trade; the turned back invites the knife.”
Vampires with strong mutations for The Dark Within are known as Spiders.
“Those possessed of The Crimson Mist crave the release they feel in murder. Sociopaths and killers, violence is the only satiation to their hunger; keep the leash short or they will savage the hand.”
Vampires with strong mutations for The Crimson Mist are known as Warriors.
“Those possessed of The Reason Of Madness are the seekers of patterns in chaos and of chaos in patterns. They live in the moments between moments and see the events behind events. Strategists, tacticians and hunters, those who play their games know not the stakes.”
Vampires with strong mutations for The Reason Of Madness are known as Manipulators.
Traits are commonly seen in pairs, with The Crimson Mist being the most common secondary trait. A vampire with The Coercion and The Crimson Mist is known as a Torment; with The Iron Fist and The Crimson Mist as a Captain; with The Dark Within and The Crimson Mist as an Assassin; or with The Reason Of Madness and The Crimson Mist as a Villain.
Other paired traits are less common: Spider-Manipulators are called Agents; Spider-Bureaucrats are called Diplomats; Manipulator-Bureaucrats are called Negotiators; Manipulator-Seducers are Touches; and so on...
Very occasionally, a vampire is particularly strong in three traits. Vampires with Warrior-Spider-Manipulator mutations are called Shadow Hunters. Spider-Manipulator-Seducers are known as Appetites; Bureaucrat-Manipulator-Seducers are known as Dominators or Dominatrixes; Warrior-Manipulator-Seducers are known as Ravages; Warrior-Bureaucrat-Manipulators are known as Dictators; etc.
Such vampires are often targeted for assassination due to their unique skills and perspectives, which also accounts for their rarity...